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Bay Area Huskers
Big Red Golf Tournament

The time is rapidly approaching for the Annual BIG RED GOLF TOURNAMENT June 15, 2013.  Sign up today and put the date on your calendar! 

By popular demand, we will again be playing again at Los Lagos,  2995 Tuers Road,  San Jose, CA. 

Tuers Road is just past McLaughlin Rd. on Capital Expressway, which is just west of Hwy 101 south of Interstate 280 in San Jose.

The Format remains the same as in the past: Four man team Texas Scramble. Must use each players Tee Shot a minimum of three times. 

We have negotiated a price of $66 per person this year. This include green fee, carts and prizes. You can pay by check or online below.

We have to give Los Lagos a firm count on Wednesday, June 12 to reserve Tee times.  Be sure to send intentions to play and check so it is received by June 10.

Your checks will not be cashed before the tournament, so if something comes up and you cannot play and we do not have to pay for the tee time, your checks will be returned. 

  PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR Golf Index, if you have one, or at least a couple of your latest scores.

To reserve a slot send check for $66 per person payable to: Lloyd McBeth, 498 Bancroft St., Santa Clara, CA 95051. or pay online below.  His phone number is 408 241-3514 and email is macdonna51@comcast.net

If paying online, please include your Golf Index or latest scores below.  You can include who you wish to play with as well. 

Golf Index
Latest Round Score
Latest Round Score
Play with
Play with
Play with

If you want to play with certain players please advise Lloyd, otherwise, he will set up teams to equalize Team Handicap as close as possible. 

We look forward to a great turnout this year.